HOWEVER we'd like to add that we've received treatment and can confirm that we're free of all Vaper Expo sickness this time around. We're putting a little more focus into overseas events for the next few months, and thought we'd give this one a miss. A few of our staff will be there though, floating around like creepy flashers (watch out for their chubby gorillas, they'll get you...)
UK Expos are a mixed bag when it comes to hosting a stand. Some say it's a glorified member measuring contest, some say it's a chance to catch up with friends, some say it's a chance to let your hair down (ours is thinning fast) and let loose in the after party. Whatever the reason, it's an amazing event to go to and we should be grateful of the guys who organise it year in year out. They really do smash it out the park and bring it back bigger and bigger each time. Whilst not exhibiting, we're excited for everyone else hosting a stand and wish you all the very best this weekend.
A brief update from us with goings on at HQ - we're currently organising a complete renovation of our office. Whilst we're excited to sit down in our super swanky new surroundings, the process of clearing out the entire office before the work takes place is something that nobody should be thinking about on a Monday morning! We can't wait to show you and invite many of you down for meetings in future.
As far as new brands, juices and ideas go, we're heavily investing time and planning into a one off special brand which will be coming soon.. watch this space!
As always, feel free to drop us a comment down below and let's have a conversation!